What does Hermione see in the Mirror of Erised?

September 2024 · 5 minute read
According to her, and going back to 1997, Hermione would have seen Voldemort defeated and dead (just like Harry did), herself and her friends alive and well, and herself in a romantic embrace with Ron.

What would James Potter see in the Mirror of Erised?

In the mirror, Harry encounters the Potter family for the first time in his life. Most prominently he sees his mother and father smiling down at him and it is this that is 'nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire' of young Harry's heart.

What does Ginny Weasley see in the Mirror of Erised?

First for Ginny, here she is looking at her reflection: she sees an older version of herself, maybe 14 or 15 years old, dating Harry. Ginny from an early age showed love interest in Harry, and that's why her deepest desire would be him noticing and falling in love with her as well.

What would Snape see in the Mirror of Erised?

Severus Snape would see himself with Lily Evans in the Mirror of Erised. Ever since he laid eyes on her playing with her sister on the swings, he was in love. He wanted to always be there for her, protecting her from the horrible things in the world.

What does Draco see in the Boggart?

In this game, it becomes clear that Draco Malfoy's Boggart is Lord Voldemort. Draco's fear of Voldemort likely comes from different reasons than others have. Most fear Voldemort taking over the world. Draco fears Voldemort intimidating and manipulating the Malfoy family.

What Hermione Would See in the Mirror of ERISED - Harry Potter Theory

What would Dumbledore see in the Mirror of Erised?

When looking in the Mirror, Dumbledore first saw his and Grindelwald's younger selves agreeing to a blood oath, followed by an image of Grindelwald in the film's present day. As Dumbledore admitted to Aurors trying to track down the evil wizard, the pair were once even closer than brothers.

What does Albus Dumbledore see in the Mirror of Erised?

The Mirror of Erised was a magical mirror, which, according to Albus Dumbledore, showed the "deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts." The name "Erised" was "desire" spelled backwards, as if reflected in a mirror.

What would Voldemort see in a Boggart?

JKR: That was my conclusion, that he would see himself dead. A Boggart knows how to show their fear to a person: Molly Weasley, for example, sees death of her family members in OotP. I had that idea, that Voldemort was afraid to die most of all. You confirmed my opinion.

What is Ginny Weasley's boggart?

Ginny Weasley's boggart | Fandom. On Ginny's page, it says that her boggart is Voldemort.

What is Lily Potter's boggart?

Lily Evan's boggart was Professor McGonagall telling her that she had failed all her classes. She failed not being good enough to be a witch and loosing her new life. She feared being ordinary and loosing her new home.

Why did Dumbledore see socks in the mirror?

The idea being that Dumbledore is wise enough to know he cannot have his family back and has reconciled that, so the mirror instead shows him with warm socks.

Why did Dumbledore see Grindelwald in the Mirror of Erised?

Dumbledore sees Grindelwald, both as a young man and the older Dark Wizard, in the Mirror of Erised because he never stopped being in love with him and always hoped they could be together, which is why he was reluctant to fight him for years (he won't face him until 1945).

What does the Mirror of Erised say backwards?

The mirror's inscription ('erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi') must be read backwards to show its true purpose.

What did Grindelwald see in the blood?

The animal's blood spilled on the floor, and in its reflection, Grindelwald saw a vision of Newt Scamander and Theseus Scamander heading to Hogsmeade.

What does McGonagall say to the first years?

One by one, the ghosts floated away through the opposite wall. 'Now, form a line,' Professor McGonagall told the first-years, 'and follow me. '

What does Erised stra EHRU OYT Ube Cafru OYT on Wohsi mean?

Harry Potter Harry Potter Erised Mirror

Carved along the top of the mirror is the engraving from the books and movies: "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi." Read backwards, the message says, “I show you not your face but your heart's desire.”

What is Fred Weasley's Boggart?

Ron Weasley: Giant spider (or any spider for that matter). Padma Patil: A giant cobra. Fred and George Weasley: Lord Voldemort.

What was Luna Lovegood's Boggart?

Luna's spent years being called loony and crazy, and has always been able to say that she's just sane as the next person. So maybe her greatest fear would be that deep down inside, she would be crazy. And that the things she thought she saw weren't real, that she was hallucinating.

What is Bellatrix Lestrange Boggart?

During a Defence Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts, a boggart reveals her greatest fear to be a vision of the cloth-wrapped baby sinking into the depths. Warner Bros. Consumed by guilt, she struggled during her years at Hogwarts and was victimised by her classmates.

What did Ron see in the mirror?

Ron Weasley

Ron was shocked to see himself as Quidditch Captain, Head Boy (a seventh-year student who had authority over Prefects and a role that his brothers Bill and Percy had), and standing apart from his brothers as he was better than all of them.

What happens if Snape and Lily didn't meet?

So, we think it is safe to assume that without Snape loving Lily, there would have been a strong possibility that Harry would have died as a baby. We doubt he would have fought so hard to try and save her life. We also think that Voldemort would not have given her a choice and would have killed her on sight.
