Even though the iconic HBO show from the '90s tends to be a bit problematictwenty-five years later, Sex ad the City remains one of the most famous shows that celebrate female friendship. Samantha Jones, Miranda Hobbes, Charlotte York and Carrie Bradshaw became synonymous with squad goals. Each one of the ladies brings something unique to the table.
It's not uncommon for people to discuss which character from Sex and the City are they when it comes to their dating lives. But what about friendships? While Samantha treated men like hobbies, she absolutely adored her three besties.
10 You Don't Discriminate

If you're anything like Samantha, you don't discriminate when it comes to dating or hooking up. She has dated all kinds of men from all walks of life.
While Charlotte wouldn't give a man a chance unless he was wealthy and couldn't understand why Miranda was dating Steve, Samantha didn't care about those things. She wanted a man to make her laugh above else.
9 You Always Have Your Friends' Backs

There is not a single thing Samantha wouldn't do for her friends. Let's not forget this woman took out a diaphragm for Carrie when it got stuck, fed Carrie breakfast after Big dumped her on their wedding day, and she came through for Charlotte even though she couldn't care less about her world. She even offered to babysit Brady, even though she clearly didn't like babies.
8 You Are Extremely Sex-Positive

When we think of Samantha Jones, the first association is that she is the one that has a lot of casual sex. The rest of the ladies weren't that far behind, but Samantha always raved about her sexual experiences and celebrated sexual freedom.
If you have no limitations talking about sex, regardless of time and place, you're definitely the Samantha of your group. You're also a bit of a "try-sexual"; in Samantha's words, you will try anything once.
7 You Don't Want Kids

If you're the only one in your friend group who doesn't even think about having children one day in the future, you're definitely the most like Samantha. This woman knows what she wants and babies aren't a part of the equation.
Samantha struggled to feign interest when her friends talked about such matters, but at least she was always honest. It's okay to not want children, but let your friends talk about it if that's what they want to talk about.
6 You Organize Events And Throw Parties

Samantha Jones is a PR guru and every group has the one person in it who always throws the best parties and is a natural when it comes to organizing.
Remember the party Samantha threw Carrie for her book deal? It was perfect. She knew exactly what Carrie would want and never ever threw it in Carrie's face when there was conflict.
5 You Never Judge Your Friends

When Carrie cheated on Aidan, we were all frustrated with her. A large portion of fans even judged her, kind of how Charlotte low-key judges such behavior. Samantha didn't judge her friend at all, even though what she did was wrong.
Carrie even asked Sam: "Don't you want to judge me just a little bit?", to which Sam replied "Not my style," and gave a friendly wink. Of all the ladies, Samantha was judged and shamed the most. When she had the chance to serve the same to her best friend, she still didn't want to do it.
4 You Tend To Be Selfish

Samantha is an independent powerhouse. She does what she wants and she loves herself the most out of all people, which is great. The downside of her flamboyant confidence is that she tends to be selfish sometimes.
Samantha also had no problem resorting to lying to get what she wanted, like the time she pretended to be someone else to get access to the pool. If you're like Samantha, you have self-respect, self-esteem, and a capacity to be selfish from time to time - which sometimes turns out to be very healthy.
3 You're Happily Single

When we first met the crew in season 1, Miranda, Carrie, and Charlotte were all in their early 30s. They were all obsessing over being single, especially Carrie and Charlotte. Meanwhile, Samantha was pushing 40 and had no qualms with being single. She didn't need a man to save her or give her a sense of direction in life.
If you're the one person in the group who is content with being single, you're Samantha. If you're despairing and feeling lonely, you're more like Charlotte.
2 You Can Get Obsessive In Relationships

Samantha was more than happy to be single, but that doesn't mean she wasn't willing to commit when the right person came along. The problem with Samantha was that the "right person" turned out to be a self-absorbed egotist Richard with whom she had a very toxic relationship.
When she was with him, she turned into an insecure, jealous and overly-possessive pushover. Luckily, she left him before he could do too much harm. If you find yourself obsessing over an emotionally unavailable man, find solace in the fact that even the powerful Samantha Jones fell victim to it for a little while.
1 You Say It Like It Is

Have you ever been called brutally honest and you don't really care about social conventions? That might mean that you're a Sagittarius or that you're channeling your inner Samantha.
The Carrie of the friend group finds delight in poetic metaphors, but Samantha says it as it is. There's no room for sugarcoating things in her world.