On November 16th, 2022, Cindy Leigh Baldwin, 57, of Iowa City, Iowa, passed away. Cindy was born on July 20, 1965, in Des Moines. She and her older brother Tom lived in Oklahoma and California before returning to Des Moines, where Cindy grew up to have a passion for the arts.
Cindy Baldwin burst on the scene as a gorgeous, outgoing, and resourceful young woman. She was never afraid of anything and always up for an exciting new experience. She won Eric’s heart permanently in 1980, and the two of them raced through high school and college to get married in 1986 and earn their BAs as quickly as possible.
Cindy was much ahead of her time as an art teacher. She was well-aware of the value that art may bring to anyone’s existence and acted accordingly in her daily life. But her children were her greatest works of art, and motherhood was the ultimate manifestation of her artistic devotion and selfless love.
Cindy acted on the spur of the moment and was incredibly resourceful. There wouldn’t be a moment when she wasn’t bringing you something exciting and novel, like free mulch, free wood, free swimming pools, or free furniture. Everything she did to make her kids smile, from giving them flying lessons and camping excursions to taking them on spontaneous road trips to the beach and park. She took great joy in her family’s achievements and was constantly cheering on her children and grandchildren. She would give her life to protect her kids. She was always on our side and ready to fight for what was right. Literally, nothing was impossible when she was around.
Myles and Naomi Creach were blessed to have Cindy as their grandma. Her natural inclination to help others manifested itself in a selfless devotion to her grandchildren. She would drop everything and go to extraordinary lengths to be with them. Cindy was always there for them, even after she had knee surgery and was still recovering. Having a dance party with Naomi after a tea party and a bike ride around the block. Despite the weather, you were always the loudest fan of Myles’s sporting events. Cindy’s contributions to her grandchildren’s lives will never be equaled. She gave them a well-rounded education that included the fine and performing arts, as well as exposure to nature, music, and the wonders of Though she didn’t live to see them into adulthood, her fearless love and guidance will remain with them always.
Amazing woman, that Cindy Baldwin. She lived various roles in her lifetime, including those of mother, wife, teacher, grandmother, giver, fighter, artist, and lover. Sincerity of heart and good intents set her apart, and she was an inspiration to many. She was a symbol of a way of life that prioritized helping others. She had the heart of a kid, gleaming with purity and fervor. Her mind was as lovely as it was inventive. She overcame numerous unjust challenges in life without refusing the support of her family and friends. No one else was quite like Cindy. She broke the norms of her time to do what she thought was right, and she was taken from us far too soon. May the bonds of love she inspired in those who knew her best be the source of Cindy’s legacy.
Myles and Naomi Creach; Alice, Logan, and Gus (Sade) Creach; Cindy’s husband, Eric; Cindy’s father, Thomas Baldwin (Chris Conyers); and Cindy’s brother, Thomas Baldwin, Jr. Her mother Sharon and both sets of grandparents, Margaret and Jervas Baldwin and Ruth and Joseph Rissman, had already passed away when she was born.
Cindy was cremated, and a memorial service honoring her life will be held at a later time, per her wishes.
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