Will Reggie Million and Charles Barkley be included?
Will Reggie Million and Charles Barkley be included? For NBA fans NBA 2K games have become an option over the last decade to enjoy virtual basketball games. Though these games are not perfect there for clarity has been constantly decreasing over the last few years. However, they are the only ones stimulating the genre especially after taking over EAs NBA live years ago.
Users can play as Michael Jordan or LeBron James. It’s one of the easiest ways to play in the NBA. However, there are still many all-time grades of NBA that are missing from the games library. Including two most notable players in the NBA Hall of Fame- Charles Barkley and Reggie Miller. As per the report by NBA, there are high chances that both of them can be seen in the game.

NBA shares details on the decision about former players
Recently the NBA shared a decision with the public that they have decided to pay the former players from the ABA- American Basketball Association. The decision was welcome as it will help the players to live comfortably for the rest of their life. Coincidentally Barkley was fighting for the same in the past to get players their due though he never wanted to be part of NBA 2K.
Barkley also added that developers and the League have been receiving huge revenue from the players so it’s required to at least give them back to the alumni association. Barkley never had a contract with 2k so that was the reason behind his absence, but Miller never shared the reason for his absence.
As of now, there is no official announcement or decision on whether Chuck or Reggie will be a part of NBA 2K23. However, as per the recent events, there are many chances they will be included. Moreover, the NBA has agreed to pay the amount to veterans of the game, so many Sir Charles will agree to add in NBA 2K.
If you notice there are a lot of other all-time great NBA players that are missing from NBA 2K22. Notably, legends like Joe Johnson, Ron Artest, Rasheed Wallace, and many more. Though NBA 2k is highly repetitive and less attractive compared to many Football games especially. Fans still play as it’s the only best option with great players.