Warning: vicious personal-sounding attacks to follow. I want revenge on those who stole 100 minutes of my life. The motion picture version of Bewitched is a travesty of monumental proportions that belongs in the "What the hell were they thinkin...

Note: If anyone cares, there's a reference in the next-to-last paragraph that enters spoiler territory. As in end-of-the-movie spoiler territory. For the laughably bad debacle that is The Boy Next Door, I won't necessarily blame credited w...

Christmas movies like this are enough to turn one into a Grinch or at least make one wish that the filmmakers would get a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Future. Why it is so hard to make a decent Christmas comedy? Not every movie has to be on ...

For decades, there has been an escalating tension between the NCAA and the student-athletes who play college sports. The center of the conflict lies with Men’s Football and Basketball – two multi-billion dollar empires where the NCAA and its m...

A sample of questions that floated through this reviewer's mind while watching RV... Is the name "Big Rolling Turd" supposed to apply to the RV or the movie? Where's Chevy Chase when you need him? And, considering all the movies not being shown t...