This mom secretely recorded what her Gen Z daughter and her boyfriend were doing behind closed doors, but you won't believe what she caught them doing.

Whether you've seen it in a movie or maybe have gone through the same thing in real life, you might be familiar with the idea of parents trying to control their kids' actions whenever their significant other comes over to their house. Perhaps your parents demanded you keep the doors open — or at least unlocked — so they could catch you before anything went down, or they might have even asked you to keep your distance while they were visiting.
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It sounds way too controlling and invasive now to police your kids' actions when it comes to their romantic partners, but the culture was certainly prevalent back in the day. If nothing else, it sets the precedence for this particular mom on TikTok to highlight how much has changed between generations.
In a video posted in late August 2023, Cynthia (@cgoladyboss) secretly caught her Gen Z daughter and her boyfriend with the door closed. What they were doing, however, may surprise you.
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A mother catches her Gen Z daughter and her boyfriend with the door closed, but it's not what you think.
In her short 8-second TikTok, Cynthia sneakily captured footage of what her young daughter was doing with her boyfriend. While folks out there might be assuming something rather salacious, the actual truth may not be what you're expecting.
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Even Cynthia practically admitted that she was caught off guard. Her video features the caption: "When you come home and your daughter and her boyfriend in her room with the door closed," suggesting that Cynthia herself figured something fishy was up. It's safe to say that she may not have predicted this.
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When she peeked in on them, both her daughter and the boyfriend were playing video games on separate TVs. The boyfriend was even playing on a PlayStation 5, so we fancy out here!
The two of them look like they're playing Call of Duty: Warzone 2, albeit in separate sessions.
In a short follow-up, Cynthia admitted that there was a generational gap in play. According to her, she's a 44-year-old first-generation Mexican-American mom, making her narrowly part of Gen X. For all intents and purposes, this generation grew up with the perception that video games could not be part of a social event in the way that they've been for proceeding generations.
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It's understandable that Cynthia didn't necessarily expect her daughter and significant other to be playing games behind closed doors, but times have certainly changed since the era in which she may have had to hide romantic partners from her parents! Whether you believe it or not, video games have become much more entangled with social interaction than anyone older generations might expect.
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Interestingly, folks in the comments have had a good-natured debate over what's going on between the daughter and her boyfriend in the video. Many agree that this kind of interaction represents wholesome relationship goals. One person called their interaction a straight-up "healthy relationship."
Another commenter claimed, "That is [how] my son and his girlfriend [interact] too. I thought they were fighting, but they were both yelling at a teammate [online]."
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Others had more dirty jokes on the brain. Many believed that the mom may have come a little too late to have caught them doing anything else. Some even suggested that the two of them heard Cynthia approaching and quickly ran apart to save face.
But older folks should take note. Video games have become part of romantic relationships wherein romantic partners can find common interests in the types of games they play. Whereas once upon a time they were perceived as an inapproachable niche interest for a wider population, they've become more prolific as a shared activity that two people crushing on each other can participate in.
Game on, Cynthia's daughter!