The Perfect Husband: The Laci Peterson Story (2004)

March 2024 · 1 minute read

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Buy from Amazon Buy or Rent on iTunes Find on Netflix The Perfect Husband: The Laci Peterson Story ");jQuery(node).appendTo(newThread);newThread.appendTo("#commentList");jQuery(node).addClass("rootComment");}jQuery(node).removeClass("commentTemplate");jQuery("#commentCount").text(parseInt(jQuery("#commentCount").text()) + 1);}else if (view.ServiceMethod == "LikeComment"){if (view.Details.Success == true){updateLikesTotals(view.Details);toggleCommentDetail("hide", view.Details.CommentID, "likeLink");toggleCommentDetail("show", view.Details.CommentID, "likesTotal");}} } function updateLikesTotals(details) {commentID = details.CommentID;linkElement = jQuery("#likesLink-" + commentID)total = details.TotalLikes;plural = total != 1 ? "s" : "";linkElement.text("(" + total + " like" + plural + ")");detailElement = jQuery("#likesDetail-" + commentID + " .whoLiked");plural = total != 1 ? "people" : "person";detailElement.text(total + " " + plural + " liked this"); } function toggleCommentDetail(visibility, commentID, elementName, detail) {element = jQuery("#" + elementName + "-" + commentID);if (visibility == "swap") visibility =".render-hidden") ? "show" : "hide";if (visibility == "show") element.removeClass("render-hidden");else element.addClass("render-hidden"); }
