Just when Shawn Brady (Brandon Beemer) and Belle Black (Martha Madison) thought they were rid of Jan, she showed back up in Salem, and this time she was working with the devil — who had been possessing Belle’s mother, Marlena Evans (Deidre Hall). “Days of Our Lives” fans later learned that the devil brought Jan out of her coma to help do his bidding, and in exchange, Jan was transformed into a clone of Belle so that she could seduce Shawn (via Soaps in Depth).
However, Jan was busted when the real Belle walked in and found her husband in bed with her lookalike. The couple quickly realized that Jan was behind the identity swap, and things got worse when Jan later revealed that she was pregnant with Shawn’s baby due to their night together. Of course, Belle was devastated about her husband’s intimate night with her worst enemy.
While Belle and Jan may be bitter rivals on screen, actresses Martha Madison and Heather Lindell actually have a great relationship, and even worked together to bring “DOOL” viewers the stunning storyline, per TV Insider.