Dancing Disaster - Pokmon Fanfic

September 2024 · 5 minute read
Ash: Okay, trainers! If you chose Jumpluff, you were right!

Chapter 3

“So let me get this straight, dudes and dudette. Coolness and charismagnetism?”
Team Rocket was at it again: selling fake pokéblocks for money from an alley, even going the distance by having Wobbuffet dress up in its spy overcoat and hat. Their current target: a tall, skinny man in a blue suit, platform shoes, mirrored sunglasses, and a huge poké ball afro.
“That’s right,” Jessie spoke enthusiastically, “not only that, but our miracle Pokéblock Gold and Silver also keeps your pokémon strong and healthy.”
“Act now, and we’ll throw in our limited edition Crystal Pokéblock,” James added on, opening a case of jade blue candies, “as a low calorie snack.”
“So whaddya say, disco man? Are ya interested?” Meowth chimed in, donning his usual midget fortune teller disguise (at least that’s what I think it is).
The skinny man put a hand to his chin. “I’m intrigued by your offer…”
The three looked at him hopefully, but recoiled when he slammed his hands on the table, making the three jump back.
“…or at least I would be, if it weren’t a total flop!”
“A…flop, sir?” James asked, almost whimpering.
“No one pulls a fast one on Miror B. but my daddy! Not only that, but you three are the sorriest excuses for criminals I’ve ever seen! I think it’s time I teach you a lesson.” His sunglasses glinted as he drew a poké ball. “Go, Ludicolo! Water Pulse!”
A splash was heard from the alley as the Rockets blasted off into the stratosphere.
“I told you we shouldn’t have pulled this stunt again!” Jessie screamed.
“I know, but the author didn’t have any other ideas!” James responded, sadly.
“The really sad part is that this is probably the only screen time we’ll ever have.” Meowth said in disappointment.
“Team Rocket’s blasting off again!” The three shouted as they disappeared with their usual “ting.”
“All right, Ludicolo. Return!” But Ludicolo was dancing so feverishly after its victory that Miror B. couldn’t aim properly.
“I said return! Return! Return, darn it!”

“Even Banette?” Brock asked after the group returned to the lobby.
“Yeah.” Janine responded, “Except for his Octillery, which he never used at the time, all his pokémon were in rough shape.”
“Who would do something like that?” Max asked.
“Apparently, the perpetrator said his name was Miror B.”
“Then we have to find this guy and stop him!” Ash shouted, angrily, “He can’t get away with stuff like this!”
“Pi, pikachu!” Pikachu agreed.
“It’s not that easy.” Janine spoke up, “Apparently, this Miror B. fellow strikes only at night and targets coordinators. So where will he strike next?”
Max responded, “The Contest Hall!”
“Exactly.” Janine said, “The best of the best are going to be there and odds are our target is gonna be one of them, which is why I’m going to enter the Contest as well.”
The others looked at Janine skeptically. “But…you’re a gym leader.” Ash said.
“I know,” Janine said, “but I have to enter in order to find this Miror B. and smoke him out. Besides, not many people come to the gym, so showing off my pokémon’s moves it makes the perfect advertisement!”
“…I guess that makes sense.” Ash said, feeling a bead of sweat on the back of his head.
“I’m with you, Janine!” May said, confidently, “I’m going to enter the Fuchsia Contest too! I might as well, otherwise I won’t get my ribbon. Besides, Ash is right. This Miror B. or whatever his name is can’t get away with a stunt like this so I’m going to beat him extra hard!”
“Good, May.” Janine said, smiling, “I have a feeling that we’re going to need all the help we can get in order to beat Miror B.”
“Are you two out of your minds?!” Harley shouted from seemingly out of nowhere. His voice made the entire group recoil in horror. “Didn’t you hear a word I said? If he could do what he did to my pokémon, he could do it to yours too! May, this is the first time I’ve been sincere with you in a long while. I really don’t want you to enter this contest. If your pokémon are killed, it’ll be on my consciousness!”
May looked at Harley in concern, then put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. “Then I’ll just have to win, won’t I?”

Later, at that same alley…
“We’ve been looking everywhere for you, boss!”
Trudly and Folly found Miror B. and his Ludicolo at that same alley around 8:00 pm. Miror B. was in the alley doing a strange twisting disco dance to some Latin music in his boombox and Ludicolo simply joined along, doing his own thing.
“Uh…sir?” Trudly asked.
“Stop the music, Ludicolo!” Miror B. shouted. Ludicolo turned off the boombox and walked over to his master. “Now what’s this about, boys?”
“Well, we did some investigating like you said, boss.” Folly said, “Y’know, about that Pokémon Contest? And it turns out you were right a whole lot of money goes into these things every month.”
Trudly handed Miror B. some photographs of a safe door from various angles. “Security’s not so good, but the door seems pretty tightly shut. But I imagine with your other pokémon…”
Miror B. put a hand to Trudly’s face. “Say no more, Trudly. I know just what you’re thinking. We are gonna proceed with the plan as scheduled. I’ve already registered myself into this crazy Contest. I’ll do my part all right, but I’m counting on the two of you to take care of the rest.” He grabs them both by the collars. “Do I make myself clear?!”
“Yes sir!” They both shouted, and he let them go.
Miror B. let them both go and smiled. “Excellent. Continue the music, Ludicolo! We’re gonna party ‘til the sun comes up!”
"LUDICOLO!!!" Ludicolo mashed play on the boombox as he and Miror B. put their weight on it.
Trudly and Folly both groaned. “Again?”

------------End of Chapter 3------------

Character Introductions:

Team Rocket
From Left to Right: Meowth, James, Jessie, Wobbuffet
Miror B.
Occupation: Refuses to say
