TNA Impact Review 12/20 By: Chris

September 2024 · 4 minute read

TNA Impact Review 12-20-07
By: Chris âThe Authority❠Schultz

The show started off with a Christmas Party hosted by Eric Young who was waiting for Santa Claus. Did I just see a Bushwhacker? Hey Matt Morgan, Don Johnson wants his look back.

The first match involved many of the top names in TNA all squaring off in a Christmas Chaos Cage match. Rock & Rave Infection, James Storm, and Robert Roode took on LAX, Scott Steiner, and Booker T. The six sides of steel looked very festive with bows and lights strung up throughout. James Storm came out dressed as the big man from the North Pole which wouldnât be the last time we would see this during the program. However, this was the only drunk Santa that came out. The TNA Knockouts were looking good in their Christmas attire. Five of them were at ringside standing by their man, except for Ms. Brooks. All I want for Christmas is Big Poppa Pumps biceps. Can you imagine? I liked the mix of athletes that they put together in this match, but it definitely was a letdown considering the potential. The faces controlled most of the match and nobody took any hard shots on the cage. Not to mention, a cage match without blood doesnât really live up to the hype.

Next up was Team 3D along with Johnny Devine taking on Black Machismo and The Motor City Machineguns. Again, more Santa Claus imposters. However, Johnny Devineâs elf suit cracked me up. What would Christmas be without midgets? First Hornswaggle and now this? What is going on? Team 3D in an Ultimate X match at the next PPV? Better have some strong cables. I would have like to see the plate glass table match. Kevin Nash just brings it. Big Sexxy still has his way with the ladies. Karen Angle comes to the Christmas Party with the Lita look. Kurt Angle, you are a lucky man.

Next on tap was a No DQ Knockout Match involving the better looking half of TNA. Involved in the bout were ODB, Roxxi Laveaux, Jackie Moore, Christy Hemme, Tracy Brooks, Awesome Kong, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, and Gail Kim. Gail Kim must have a death wish going right after Kong to open the action. This was the best match of the night so far. I was hoping to see some more rear no chokeholds if you know what I mean. Man, Samoa Joe really needs to lighten up.

And now for the darker side of TNA. It was Abyss vs. Rellik vs. Black Reign vs. Sharkboy. What the heck was Sharkboy even doing in this type of match? Whoever thought up the barbed wire Christmas tree is brilliant. The way Abyss swung that barbed wire bat; he belongs on the Mitchell report. Man, can Abyss absorb pain. Rellik finally gets a win in TNA! Judas Masias continues to scare me. Is Joe going heel? Why does he have to be such a Scrooge?

The main event between Kaz and AJ Styles was easily the match of the night. Why is it ladder matches always deliver? On top of that, they look so painful. Thank you TNA for this early Christmas present. What a match! Styles loses again and has to wear yet another ridiculous costume. AJ is definitely a good sport. However, the 10 minutes they wasted with AJ putting on the Rudolph outfit, I could have done without. Kurt Angle beats up on Old St. Nick and they show a little girl crying. What has this world come to? Cage vs. Angle is really starting to heat up. This one is far from over.

Iâd have to say this was another disappointing show put on by TNA. It seems that they are more focused on comedy now than action. I agree with Samoa Joe on at least one thing, letâs get back to wrestling. Comic relief is good, but just not for an entire show. I give the show a C for this week. Letâs hope big things are in store for 2008. By the way, I want to wish all of you a Happy Holiday season and New Year.

Any thoughts? You can email The Authority at
